How to Read the Bible When You Don’t Feel Like it
Question: I want to read my Bible, but sometimes I just can’t bring myself to do it. How do I read the Bible when I don’t feel like it?
Answer: This is a very common feeling and struggle amongst those looking to seek more of God’s presence. The last thing the enemy wants is for you to fill your mind and heart with God’s truth, so he will try to distract you and take away your desire to read the Bible. He wants to make you feel guilty and like a failure.
One thing to remember is that you will face adversity. You will face spiritual warfare. But God is greater than that and His desire is for you to spend intimate time with Him. It may seem too difficult sometimes, but there are some things we can do.
Here are five tips for reading and studying the Bible:
1. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer. Share with God how much of a struggle it is for you and how much you want to spend more time with Him. Ask Him for guidance as to what is stopping you and getting in the way. Receive what He is saying and try to apply what you have learned. There could be something simple getting in the way that you had never thought of before.
2. When trying to sit down and read the Bible, it is important to find a place that has little to no distractions. That means putting your phone out of reach and finding a place that allows you to be still and quiet. This allows you to focus on what you are doing and truly be taking in God’s Word.
3. Sometimes we want to read God’s Word, but we just can’t seem to find the time. Or we are too tired to do so. One way of finding time to read God’s Word is to treat that time like a meeting or an appointment. When it comes to work meetings or doctor’s appointments, we are rarely late if ever, even if we don’t feel like being there. Why? Because it’s important to us and our future that we don’t miss the appointment, but it also helps that it’s scheduled.
Schedule a meeting with God. Put it in your calendar. Set time aside. Sometimes we want to read the Bible, but life gets in the way and we are too tired at the end of the day to even think about it. Look at your schedule and set aside some time to read your Bible in a distraction-free place.
4. It’s important to not compare your personal time with God to others. Some may get up at 4 am to read their Bible first thing in the morning, while others read it at 10 pm before bed. One may spend two hours in the Word, while another spends five minutes. What is important is that you make it your own personal time. Regardless how much time you spend reading or whenever you decide to read, it’s spending intimate time with God that truly matters.
God’s Word gives clarity. It gives hope. It gives encouragement. It reveals more of His love for us. It shows us how to live our lives. It gives us life. It's not a matter of checking it off your to-do list. It's a matter of spending time in God's presence and reaping the wonderful benefits He wants to bless you with.
5. Sitting down to read God’s Word isn’t always easy, but it starts with a desire to do so. This desire is then followed by the discipline needed to stick with it even when you don’t feel like it. After pushing through the discipline of sticking with it, you will experience delight whenever you think about reading God’s Word and you will find it much easier to sit down and read.
Desire. Discipline. Delight
It is easier said than done. The first few times are the most difficult. If you are able to push through those times you will start to find that you can't go a day without it.
So, the next time you find yourself struggling to read the Bible, remind yourself of some of these tips and try your best to stick with it, even when you don’t feel like it.
God's Word is worth it.
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