Seeing God in Nature - The Sun

Seeing God in Nature - The Sun

The start of each morning begins with the sun rising in the sky. Whether a clear day or a cloudy one, we can be sure that the sun has risen. Even though we may lose sight of the sun or we don’t feel its presence, we are sure it is still there. The sun still exists and it is still doing its job. We don’t doubt it. We don’t question it. We just accept it as truth.

The same can be said for God. Sometimes we can lose sight of God. Sometimes we can have clouded vision as to whether He is truly there or not. But let us not doubt His presence. He is there, whether we see or feel His presence, and He is doing more than enough for each and everyone of us.

God is all about new beginnings. The sunrise signifies the beginning of the morning and the beginning of a new day. It’s a fresh start. Every sunrise reminds us of God’s love, faithfulness, and His intentional design. It is a reminder that all things are made new by Him and through Him.

Sunrises are also symbolic of the resurrection. Jesus is risen. And with His resurrection, He offers new beginnings. He offers a fresh start. Just like we choose to accept that the sun has risen, we can choose to accept that Jesus, God’s Son, has risen.

So, the next time you see a sunrise, take a moment to sit in gratitude of God. Thank Him for new beginnings. Thank Him for a fresh start. Thank Him for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Thank Him for the fact that He’s there, He’s present, and He’s actively working to help you, even when you can’t see or feel Him.

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