Shame Off You
“Shame on you!” or “Shame, shame I know your name!”
How many times have you heard those expressions?
If you’re not familiar with them, they are often responses or comments made by an onlooker when you do something bad or something wrong. How sad is it that the first thing you are made to feel is shame?
That’s what Adam and Eve experienced in the garden.
Genesis 2:25 says: “Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.”
Genesis 3:7:10 reads:
They hid. They were afraid. They felt guilty. They felt shame.
Can you relate to that? Have you ever disobeyed God or sinned against Him, only to run and hide from Him rather than run to Him? Were you afraid to go to God? Did you feel guilty? Did you feel shame?
That is exactly what Satan wants. He did it to Adam and Eve in the garden and he continues to do it to us today. Many of us live a life full of shame. Why is that? Because we haven’t truly accepted what we have in Jesus.
But God!
Paul writes in Romans 8:1 that, “therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Wow. What a contrast from what Satan wants us to feel.
No condemnation. No guilt. No shame. In Jesus, we have freedom and forgiveness. In Jesus, we have gentle conviction. We have no shame.
Accepting and applying this truth takes time, especially if you have lived a life full of shame. But let it not be a part of your life any longer.
When we disobey God and sin against Him, let us come to Jesus. Let us not run from Him but run to Him. Let us not be afraid. Let us receive the shame-free life that He offers. Let us receive His forgiveness and love.
No longer is it shame on you, but shame off you. Shame off you in Jesus’ Name!
What a beautiful gift from Jesus. A life transformed. A life without shame. Just as God intended it to be from the beginning.
"Behold, at that time I will deal with all your oppressors. And I will save the lame and gather the outcast, and I will change their shame into praise and renown in all the earth." - Zephaniah 3:19
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