It can be overwhelming trying to make changes in our lives. With all the different fads, suggestions, diets, expert advice and viral trends, it almost becomes impossible to know what works for us and what doesn’t.
Whether you are going through burnout and exhaustion, wanting a brand-new lifestyle, trying to kick a bad habit or just needing a helping hand on how to move forward, try asking yourself the following three questions.
1) What do I need to start doing that I’m not currently doing? What can I start that will help me get closer to where God wants me and needs me to be?
2) What do I need to stop doing that is currently hurting/harming me and my progress?
3) What do I need to continue doing that is helping me get closer to where I want and need to be?
The answers to these questions can reveal a lot about your sleeping schedule, your eating habits, the way that you speak to yourself and others, your exercise routine or the usage of your time each day. Make it relevant to you and your situation.
Start. Stop. Continue. Three simple questions that you can ask yourself daily, weekly or monthly to keep yourself on track and to make sure you are headed in the right direction, God's direction.
Answering these questions requires self-awareness and a willingness to be honest with yourself. If you find yourself struggling to come up with responses, ask a close family member or friend for assistance.
It’s important that you can see your current self with a clear lens so you can make the appropriate changes to help yourself move forward and become the best version of yourself moving forward. Pray about the changes you need to make and listen to God's voice.
It may seem overwhelming to make changes, but sometimes all you need to do is start with three simple questions – start, stop, continue.