What Does It Mean to Fear God? Why Would a Loving God Want Us To Fear Him?
This is a question that many people have struggled with over the years, including myself. Are we supposed to walk in terror when thinking about God? Are we supposed to cower in His presence? Is He wanting us to live in constant anxiety as we try to figure out how to approach Him?
The Bible mentions “the fear of the Lord” several times, but what exactly does it mean? And does it mean what we think or could there be another meaning and understanding of this word “fear”?
First, let us look at some examples of where we see the fear of the Lord mentioned.
Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.”
Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”
Psalm 34:11 says, “Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.”
The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the word used in these passages is Yir’ah. Yir’ah often translates to “fear” just as we see from the above passages. However, the word has more than one meaning. The word Yir’ah, translated as fear, also means worship, respect, reverence and awe. And this is the context in which this word is used in these passages.
What comes to your mind when you think of the word “awe”? Is it a mountainous landscape? Or perhaps a clear, starry night? Maybe an ever-flowing waterfall? These wonders cause us to be in awe. While taking in these wonders, we experience Yir’ah.
What about respect and reverence? Why do you respect someone? Usually, it is because they have displayed character that is admirable. They have proven that they are trustworthy. Or at the very least, you accept them for who they are.
God is someone who displays character that is admirable. He has proven that He is trustworthy and even though we will never fully grasp the beauty and mystery of God, we can accept Him for who He is, the Almighty One.
God is deserving of worship, reverence, and awe.
Hebrews 12:28-29 says, “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
So why does a loving God want us to fear Him?
As we look back at the verses mentioned earlier from Proverbs and the Psalms, we can see that the fear of the Lord is reverence and worship of God that leads to knowledge and wisdom. This isn’t a terror-filled fear that He wants us to have, but rather an acknowledgment and understanding that He is Holy, powerful, and deserving of our praise. And by revering, respecting and worshipping Him, we get to receive knowledge and wisdom that directly applies to our lives.
God wants to give us clarity. He wants to give us direction. He wants to give us knowledge and wisdom. But we must do our part. And our part is to worship, respect, and revere Him. Our job is to “fear” Him. To behold His glory. To be in awe of who He is, what He has done, what He is currently doing and what He will do.
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